Useful ways in which you can decrease your heating bill

When winter approaches, the central heating gets used more and more. You want to keep warm, as well as ensuring that your house is at a satisfactory temperature, the last thing you want to happen is to have your pipes freeze. However, the increased use of the heating leads to a spike in your energy bill. This can mount up quiet quickly and will be a significant expense.

Many households are throwing a lot of money towards heating bills, when with a few easy steps; they could be saving substantial amounts of this money. The key is to decrease any inefficiencies your house or the residents of the house have.

Here is some advice that will help you to significantly reduce your energy bill by putting proper heating measures in place.

Useful ways in which you can decrease your heating bill

Have proper insulation

During the construction process, it is vitally important that sufficient insulation is installed. However, many people overlook this, and use this area of the construction to cut costs. This will lead to large amounts of heat being lost through the ceiling and the walls. Your attic, pipes and walls should be insulated in order to keep the heat in the room or house.

If you do not have sufficient installation, you should contact a professional to get some installed. There are even simple measures that you can take, such as padding your heating pipes and adding insulation to the attic.

Only use heating in the rooms that you are using

Most people simply turn on the heating and let it go, heating up the entire house. However, there is no reason that you should be heating up rooms that you rarely use. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can turn down heating in certain areas.

Alternatively, you can simply turn off the radiators in the rooms that you are not using. Perhaps one of the best options to use when you are looking to drastically decrease your energy costs is to invest in a specialised heater. Using a product such as the Mr. Heater Big Buddy , is a great way to stay warm when you have your central heating turned off.

When you are sleeping, you do not need to be as warm, so you can turn down the heating by a few degrees, or set it on a timer.

Alternate your hot water settings

There is no need to have your water heated all day round. You should change the water heater to only turn on at the times when you need hot water, such as in the morning and evening when people are showering and cooking.

For other parts of the day, it can be turned down or completely off in order to save you wasting energy. Even simply turned down the temperature of the heater by a few degrees can make a significant difference in your heating bill.

Make sure that you have insulation jackets for your water heater and related pipes, as this will prevent heat loss.